Unwinding Potential
By Skylar Harris LMT #19139

About The Practitioner

This section is less about who I am, and more about why I do what I do. If you would rather just get a massage, go to hours and scheduling.

First off, I will say that anytime I mention my own injuries it is never in reference to my own stuff being more important than yours. I do my best to relay this information as a means to help my client know they are in good hands that understand what they're going through emphatically. Rest assured healing takes consistent work, I will never deny how challenging it can be to heal old injuries or chronic issues, help is here!

I am an author, martial artist, critical thinker, philosopher, dreamer, father, brother, son, old soul, fool, seeker of truth, massage therapist, entrepreneur, student of life, etc. I am human, I am...


I don't use labels or terms to identify myself. We go through so many stages of development in life, I really only care to really talk about one. Where do you want to go? Meaning, what is your quality of life now, and how can I help you get to where you want to go in life?

I seek knowledge and understanding. I blend all of what I ever learn into how I choose to live and hack away the non-essentials. It is something I've learned through martial arts and that same philosophy goes for massage, I will adapt to your needs based on what I know.

I have been in pain my whole life, and in the course of learning to unravel it I have learned some incredible things that I feel is the whole reason why I exist, is to share what I've learned and to help others accomplish how to teach themselves how to heal and learn about their own bodies, and potentially their deeper self.


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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