In this section I will go over in detail, everything I potentially talk about when it comes to learning about the body, and thinking outside the box in applying self-care in our domestic mental world we live.
The main subject is pain. i.e. Trauma and how we associate to it and how to change the story in order to liberate one's own quality of life.
Pain works in priority, I'm trying to minimize the priority the body has towards pain by creating a new (or original) reference. In order to minimize pain, I have to go to the source. As goes with all forms of trauma, if you are trying to undo what has been done, you need to 'hold space' and acknowledge the source of the original trauma. Since we are talking about the body, we will just keep it in terms about the body. But regardless, you can apply this concept of healing the body into any other aspect of your life.
Let's look at it this way, the difference between a child and a senior citizen.
When you are young, your parents or adults will make a standard comment when you fall or hurt yourself, and you get right back up! "Oh, they're young they heal fast." or "They're made of rubber." There's truth in the statement, but it's never been clearly identified.
When it comes to pain, Pain is an acronym for "Pa-ckaged In-formation". When we are young, we don't have any packages on the shelves. Life happens and we hurt ourselves, one way or another, and we cope with it. As we get older, the shelves fill up without realizing there's a capacity. We start to acknowledge pain as time goes on because we get "older", but that is also a lie, again, there's some truth in it. But the full truth is that there's pain because of neglect or ignorance, something happened a while back and you forgot about it cause it didn't matter until now.
As human beings we are able to cope with a great deal until it becomes too much, and we don't know what to do anymore. Old age is a thing, but as we get "old" at that point we can no longer hold the shelves up, and all the pains start to reveal themselves. The nervous system can no longer store all that information and it starts to flood the receptors, it can happen before we get old. I believe fibromyalgia comes from an overload of pain and the nervous system cannot assign priority so it becomes systemic instead of local pain.
The way to solve this is to acquire the knowledge and learn to heal, to no longer allow ignorance and neglect to manifest in the body and do something about it. Most of the time that occurs through bodywork or massage, depending on who you go and how much they know, and how much they're willing to share of what they know. We are called healers because we pursue the knowledge and never stop in the pursuit once we start receiving its blessing.
The next big subject, now that the map has been basically covered, we will talk about connective tissue.
What is it really? It's scientific name is 'collagen fibers', but I just call it "glue". The primary topic is about how it glues things, binds them into 'knots' and how to identify it. I've put a great deal of thought and investigation into this subject, primarily because of Advanced Myofascial Intentions. The key that led me to what I know, is that 'glue' builds up from "holding patterns" and "stagnancy". Knots are not formed from repetitive motion, its irritation or friction in the movement of joints and or muscles that cause damage or pain.
It was introduced to me as 'fuzz', but that name symbolizes more of what it is 'meant to be' versus the reality we face daily. The reason why I say this, because the 'glue' that is calling all of these problems is the same source we experience upon "waking up". That "good morning stretch" where you feel all the 'fuzz' melting, is a really good thing. It helps the nerves wake up and realize what's going on in the body, and it's a pleasurable experience. Glue on the other hand, is typically not a pleasurable thing, whether it's a problem or while its being broken down... depending on who you are anyway. We all handle pain differently.
On the note of 'glue', when it was introduce to me, we were identifying how to break it down and open up the space it restricts and binds. the answer?... FRICTION!!!
I'm not talking abusively either. literally palpating the spot and holding the space can allow it to release. But the interesting thing is, how its also tied to the nervous system. Connective tissue is a primary source that 'holds' onto pain in our bodies. The brain is the one that receives the signal, but the nervous system is the one to convey it. And since pain works in priority, we tend to think we 'recover' from things, when in reality we've learned to void it, or something else has taken priority.
Now here's the fun part.
Ever since I was in school, I've been fascinated by the concept of "Wolffe's Law". Which states that; bones are dense forms of connective tissue, and will become denser and stronger the more compression they experience. Example being, when astronauts go out into space, they start losing bone mass. Space is a 3-D effect however, so, unless you have found a way to simulate a gravity chamber, who do we make our bones grow?
The answer is learning about "Alignment" and what it means to retain alignment and the myth of 'good posture'.
The answer isn't something anyone can teach you unless you were taught at a young age. People will talk about movement and stillness, but the reality between them both is about our breath. Breathing allows oxygen to enter our system and negates the effect of lactic acid. Shallow breathing is what makes our muscles feel sore, and so is bad posture. The reason why is because of Wolffe's law. When our body is out of alignment the muscles take on the 'work', and if you put that 'out of alignment' state into stillness, rather, to stagnate it. Be it through, apprehension, pensive thoughts, shallow breathing, or furniture: the body will put glue in those places to make it 'easier' to 'rest' in that position. It's then a static form of 'comfort' in a place of instability we call "comfort".
Breathing allows movement to happen in the body on subtle levels, and can be the conduit of our attention to allow 'good posture' not to be a myth any longer. The breath is the all important factor when it comes to alignment and keeping the body communicating.
Good posture when working out is vital, but think about how much time is spent in a day on "good posture" and how much time is spent tolerating instability...
Movement is always good, and should be practiced daily. Work does not count for working out ever, because your 'mind' is working, you are rushing or busy and not focused on your 'self'. When you are taking care of yourself, that is to say, 'self-care', you are attentive to alignment, breathing, how much weight or resistance to use, duration of sets, reps, etc. You don't and probably can't keep track of that during your day of work, and if you do keep track of it, it's inevitable that the priority of focus is on getting through the day. Therefore, the concept of movement, ie: Martial arts, dancing, swimming, weight lifting, sports, yoga, hiking, biking, etc, is all a means to "Redeploy energy" that is 'stuck' in the body. Which, if we go back to why I named my website "Unwinding Potential", potential energy in its physical form in our body is 'glue', or 'fuzz' or, connective tissue. If there is tightness or tension, it is because there is restriction, if not from the day of, probably from personal history, packages of information that have been forgotten. It is key to reflect on your current state and do what feels good. That 'good morning' stretch feeling, use that memory to identify the deep aches in the joints that feel similar, and play gently with movement.
Next topic will be about finding the knowledge to support the goals you want to make.
*I'll be working on making Youtube videos to help convey this information more visually... great things yet to come!
Stay tuned!